Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Hello one and all,

Whether you have received many or any Valentine cards today, or whether you have not.
Know that You are loved and precious.
This is for you - Happy Valentine's Day.

For God so loVed the world,
That He gAve
mmmmmmHis onLy
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmThat whosoever
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBelieves In Him
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmShall Not perish,
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBut have Everlasting life.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJohn 3:16

So whoever you are, know that you have been and are and always will be LOVED by God.

(click on the picture above if you don't believe me)

I am a complete romantic at heart. I was watching the last couple of episodes of 24 series 4 the other day, and there are those two characters in it, Tony and Michelle. I have never watched a program where two characters had as much chemistry as these two (they must be very good actors). Anyway my favourite line was when, in the middle of trying to save America from a national crisis, Tony says to Michelle "Michelle, I hate being without you."

Then an episode later, she replies "Tony, I can't live another day without you." I cannot tell you how happy I was to know they will get together. Then horror of all horrors Tony gets kidnapped by the terrorist and his life is threatened. It was really tense, and I even found myself praying "Please daddy, don't let Tony die!" Ofcourse I knew that this wasn't real life and that God was not going to go back in time and change what happens on the dvd. But it was my way of saying to God "Daddy, I really hope he doesn't die." I was so emotionally involved with the program,
I'm sure I made God laugh. I totally laughed at myself.
I would like to take this opportunity to say:
Daddy God - I LOVE you so much - Thank YOU for everything!
Mum and Dad - I love you! You are the best.
My sisters - I love you girlies.
The Trews -I love you all so much! My life just wouldn't be the same without you.

My friends near and far - I love you!


Anonymous said...

Happy Valentines Day
I love you xxxxx

Ash said...

Thanks babe,
I love you too xxx

Nik P said...

Yes, Series 4 rocked... waiting for 5 now...

It's good to see (well, read!) you so happy and close to the Lord. Don't change that.

God bless,


Anonymous said...

Loved all your news love you too!Great pictures. You are so romantic. I was living the moment of that programme.
Dear Ash you are so very happy and fulfilled and that gives me great joy. God is Good ! Love you. Elaine xx

Ash said...

Hey Beautiful Elaine,

You've made my day! So nice to see your comment. We are snowed in today! We had a power cut all last night at it was -10 and I thought that was the coldest night of my life, and tonight it will be -20. We have the power back now, hopefully it won't go out again soon.

Love you loads,
Ash x