Monday, June 05, 2006

Lobster Fishing/Part 4 - The Final

Lobster Fishing/Part 4

Welcome back to the final part of this story. First here are a few more photos:

Jeremy measuring the lobster

A nice seagull very determined to follow our boat.
An eel that was caught in the lobster trap. Doesn't it look horrible?
We threw it back in the water.
Empty lobster traps stacked up behind Gary ready to come back to harbour.

Gary carrying a 'jumbo' lobster.

Jumbo lobsters are really large lobsters that measure larger than a certain size. They don't sell for as much money as regular lobsters. We caught a few of those. Gary became so good at measuring and banding the lobster that he has been invited to go back lobster fishing next season to help with measuring and banding the lobster.

As for me, although I really enjoyed that day and am really glad that I had that opportunity, I don't think I'll be going back next season. I have discovered that I wasn't made for sea-faring. I was ok for the first 8 hours out at sea, but the last 4 hours I was sea-sick and I can tell you, it really wasn't a nice experience, and it has pretty much taken me a whole week to get over it. I still have a sore throat. The night before I went, I realised that there was no toilet on the boat and that if I needed a toilet, I would pretty much have to use a bucket. I was so determined to still go fishing, that I decided that I just won't have anything to drink and I'll just not use a toilet for 12 hours.

Well, I did manage to not use the bucket and not need the toilet for more than 12 hours. However, I did use the bucket to throw up in twice. And I had to have a lie down the last couple of hours. So as much as I enjoyed going on the boat, being out at sea for more than 8 hours is just a bit too much for me. The fishermen were really nice to me and they said that I did really well. They said they were seasick everyday for months (the captian for two years) when they first became fishermen.

The bucket that I threw up in.

Feeling sea sick, cold and needing to lie down.

The Crew:

Gary wearing the sunglasses; Chad in the middle who invited Gary and I to go fishing; Jeremy wearing the red cap and he looks the spitting image of ex-Nirvana singer Kirk Cobain

And finally Daniel, Chad's brother and captain of the boat, back at harbour on the actual boat.



Anonymous said...

hey, how do? It's tom long time ehh.
the pictures look fantastic. Where those deer carabo's by any chance or is that canada. The pics of the gulls look menanicing, poised in attack like hitcock's birds.

didn't know that lobsters are poisionious always wondered why they needed to boiled alive. They look as red as me after 20mins in the sun.

Ash said...

Hey guys,

Chris - Welcome to my blog. Great to hear from you. Lobster fishing was a lot of fun. I think the British in general have a good constitution for being out at sea so I'm sure you wouldn't get sea sick :)

Tom - Hi, it's nice to hear from you again. The deer pictures were from the internet so I'm not sure if they're in Canada or not. The seagulls were really beautiful and they didn't look dangerous at all in real life. It was really amusing watching them try to keep up with the boat though :)

Nik P said...

Great photos, Ash! Do you get to eat any of the lobsters? :)

Ash said...

Hi Nik,

We did get to take two lobsters home which we cooked and then gave away to friends as none of us actually like eating lobster :)