Sunday, April 29, 2007

Our Solar System

Tonight, Tasha who's 11 asked me if I could type up her school project on the solar system for her. She had already done all the research and written it all out. She just wanted me to type it up for her. So I did. As I was typing, I got more and more fascinated by our solar system and how God created such an amazing galaxy. It totally baffles me, how anyone could possibly look at this, and then say it's all a result of some random bang. I'd like to share with you just a few bits from Tasha's project, and to make it more interesting, I even found lots of cool images from the internet to go along with it. Hope you enjoy reading this and I hope you marvel at what an awesome Creator God truly is...

The Solar System

The Solar System is made up from stars, the Sun, Moon, and the nine planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

The Solar System is also made up from minor planets, comets, meteoroids, and cosmic dust. It would take about 2000 years to get across the solar system, moving as fast as a 747 Passenger Jet. All objects in the solar system orbit the Sun.


The smallest planet; It is the coldest planet.


· Neptune has two thick and two thin rings surrounding it.
· It is approximately 2.8 billion miles away from the Sun.


· Uranus is almost identical to Neptune.
· Uranus is made of Methane ice.


· Saturn is the 2nd largest planet in the solar system.
· 755 Earths could fit inside Saturn.


· Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System.
· Jupiter is mostly made of a gas called hydrogen.
· Jupiter has a small rocky core at its centre and it is bigger than the Earth.


· Mars is often called the “Red Planet” because of its colour.
· It is about half the size of the Earth.
· In Mars, one day is 24½ hours long.


It is often called “The Water Planet” because it is the only planet in our Solar System which has liquid water on its surface (about 70% of the surface of Earth is covered by water).


· It takes Venus 243 days to spin around one full time.
· Venus is about the same size of the Earth.
· It is very hot all over the whole planet (465˚C).


· It is the closest planet to the Sun.
· It has no moons.
· It is the hottest planet in the day;
At night, because Mercury spins so slowly, you could freeze to death.

The Sun

· The Sun is a star.
· It is made of gases called hydrogen and helium.
· The outside temperature of the Sun is 11,000ºF.
· More than one billion planet Earths could fit inside the Sun because it is so big.

The Moon

· It is about 250,000 miles from Earth.
· The Moon is moving about one inch away from the Earth each year.
· It has a diameter of about 3,476 kilometers.


· There are roughly 100 billion stars in the galaxy.
· The Sun is the closest star to Earth.
· It would take about a hundred thousand years to get to the closest star using the fastest space ship on earth.
· A star is made out of a bunch of burning gas made of Helium and Hydrogen.


Annie said...

This is such a cool post. I've been taking a distance education course called Earth and Space Science, and I felt the same as you when you were typing the information... and I had the urge to see photos, so I'm glad you posted some! God is amazing isn't He?

Ash said...

Yeah, I know God is soooo super cool! I think this was my favourite blog post ever. The photos are sooooo amazing!

I'm glad you commented Annie, because I was starting to think that it's just me who thinks this is so cool.

Annie said...

Definitely not just you! It's too bad that Pluto isn't a planet anymore, though. That makes me sort of sad.
